Student Examination Data

Gender Race/Ethnicity Parent's level of Education Lunch Test Preperatation Course Math Score Reading Score Writing Score StudentID
malegroup Asome high schoolstandardcompleted464143297
malegroup Bbachelor's degreefree/reducednone887576289
malegroup Esome collegestandardcompleted998781307
malegroup Asome collegestandardnone696769306
malegroup Cmaster's degreefree/reducedcompleted626875181
malegroup Dsome high schoolfree/reducednone565452302
malegroup Eassociate's degreestandardcompleted978288287
malegroup Eassociate's degreestandardnone897674247
malegroup Csome high schoolfree/reducedcompleted455249185
malegroup Cassociate's degreefree/reducedcompleted656765186
malegroup Ehigh schoolstandardnone807665187
malegroup Dsome high schoolstandardcompleted626668188
malegroup Bsome high schoolfree/reducednone485245189
malegroup Csome collegestandardnone594142205
malegroup Bassociate's degreestandardnone907881334
malegroup Dsome collegestandardcompleted768379192
malegroup Eassociate's degreestandardcompleted625653333
malegroup Dsome collegestandardcompleted776262194
malegroup Chigh schoolstandardnone716665316
malegroup Dassociate's degreestandardnone615552196
malegroup Csome high schoolfree/reducedcompleted596965197
malegroup Ehigh schoolfree/reducednone555651198
malegroup Dbachelor's degreestandardcompleted676168313
malegroup Bbachelor's degreestandardnone666057312
malegroup Cassociate's degreestandardnone697769203
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

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