Student Examination Data

Gender Race/Ethnicity Parent's level of Education Lunch Test Preperatation Course Math Score Reading Score Writing Score StudentID
malegroup Bhigh schoolstandardcompleted766260768
malegroup Asome collegefree/reducednone586057770
malegroup Bhigh schoolstandardnone524849771
malegroup Dbachelor's degreestandardnone757374772
malegroup Bsome collegestandardnone666560775
malegroup Eassociate's degreestandardcompleted948582780
malegroup Cbachelor's degreestandardcompleted918179785
malegroup Cassociate's degreefree/reducednone686561789
malegroup Dhigh schoolfree/reducednone667469793
malegroup Esome high schoolstandardcompleted898477794
malegroup Dhigh schoolstandardnone707070797
malegroup Esome collegestandardnone696054799
malegroup Csome high schoolstandardcompleted677368801
malegroup Csome high schoolstandardcompleted768073802
malegroup Asome collegefree/reducednone758174806
malegroup Chigh schoolstandardnone907569809
malegroup Bbachelor's degreestandardnone595451810
malegroup Asome high schoolstandardnone513136811
malegroup Ahigh schoolfree/reducednone454749812
malegroup Esome high schoolstandardcompleted878476814
malegroup Bsome high schoolstandardcompleted948687816
malegroup Dbachelor's degreefree/reducedcompleted617076818
malegroup Esome collegefree/reducedcompleted495251823
malegroup Chigh schoolstandardnone626758826
malegroup Bsome high schoolstandardnone685453830
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