Student Examination Data

Gender Race/Ethnicity Parent's level of Education Lunch Test Preperatation Course Math Score Reading Score Writing Score StudentID
malegroup Dsome collegefree/reducednone596261359
malegroup Dassociate's degreestandardcompleted677267344
malegroup Esome collegestandardcompleted998781307
malegroup Bbachelor's degreefree/reducednone735657280
malegroup Dhigh schoolstandardnone535242281
malegroup Dhigh schoolstandardnone454846282
malegroup Abachelor's degreestandardnone666462380
malegroup Eassociate's degreefree/reducednone464341376
malegroup Asome collegestandardnone696769306
malegroup Bassociate's degreestandardcompleted818282286
malegroup Eassociate's degreestandardcompleted978288287
malegroup Bassociate's degreestandardnone807664304
malegroup Bbachelor's degreefree/reducednone887576289
malegroup Esome high schoolstandardcompleted777677290
malegroup Cassociate's degreestandardnone767068291
malegroup Dsome high schoolstandardnone867370292
malegroup Csome high schoolstandardcompleted636057293
malegroup Dsome high schoolfree/reducednone565452302
malegroup Dhigh schoolfree/reducedcompleted787780295
malegroup Bassociate's degreefree/reducednone676260296
malegroup Asome high schoolstandardcompleted464143297
malegroup Eassociate's degreestandardcompleted717468298
malegroup Chigh schoolfree/reducedcompleted404650299
malegroup Dassociate's degreefree/reducednone908775300
malegroup Asome collegefree/reducedcompleted817881301
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

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