Student Examination Data

Gender Race/Ethnicity Parent's level of Education Lunch Test Preperatation Course Math Score Reading Score Writing Score StudentID
malegroup Chigh schoolstandardnone88898617
malegroup Chigh schoolstandardnone70706529
malegroup Dsome collegestandardnone40423834
malegroup Bsome collegestandardnone69545527
malegroup Amaster's degreefree/reducednone73747226
malegroup Dbachelor's degreefree/reducedcompleted74718025
malegroup Csome collegestandardnone53444253
malegroup Dsome collegestandardnone44545323
malegroup Esome collegestandardnone97878235
malegroup Dhigh schoolstandardnone66696321
malegroup Chigh schoolstandardcompleted82848250
malegroup Cmaster's degreefree/reducedcompleted46424619
malegroup Eassociate's degreestandardcompleted81817936
malegroup Cassociate's degreefree/reducednone55615441
malegroup Dhigh schoolstandardnone88787554
malegroup Dassociate's degreestandardnone52554958
malegroup Dassociate's degreestandardnone40524312
malegroup Cassociate's degreestandardnone58545211
malegroup Bsome collegefree/reducedcompleted59656644
malegroup Dhigh schoolfree/reducedcompleted6464679
malegroup Bsome collegefree/reducednone4043398
malegroup Esome collegestandardnone53554851
malegroup Bassociate's degreefree/reducednone57565740
malegroup Eassociate's degreefree/reducedcompleted77696852
malegroup Dsome collegestandardcompleted58595859
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

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